Carolinas Food Access Survey Report

Jamie Butler Alt |

  July 02, 2024 |

The Carolinas Food Access Survey was a result of the partnership between the NC SNAC, SC SNAC and Feeding the Carolinas. It was conducted in the spring of 2024 across 17 sites in South Carolina and North Carolina, aimed to identify food security gaps and nutrition needs within the Carolinas. The survey sought to understand the food access issues and potential solutions to improve food security in these communities.

Here were some of the key findings:

  • Hispanic/Latino and Black/African American populations were at higher risk of food insecurity, as were households with minors.
  • About 25% of respondents relied on Dollar Stores for food at the end of the month, indicating a need to improve healthy food options at these locations.
  • Many respondents reported the unavailability of culturally appropriate foods, underscoring the need for better stock in stores and food pantries.
  • While nearly one-third accessed SNAP benefits, two-thirds were at risk of food insecurity. Additionally, 23% were unaware of how to apply for food assistance programs.
  • About two-thirds of the survey participants (neighbors who already utilize various food-assistance programs) still consider their food security at risk (see graphic below).

The survey results proved that addressing food insecurity in the Carolinas requires a multifaceted approach that considers the unique challenges and needs of diverse communities. There were eight recommended strategies we encourage you to read. By implementing these strategies, stakeholders can work toward a more equitable food system that ensures all residents have access to nutritious, culturally appropriate foods.

Read the entire survey report including strategies and next steps here.